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Ocean Academy

cube_design was appointed by the Borough of Poole in 2013, to undertake a feasibility study for a new Junior School in Poole. The site has a varying topography. The northern part of the site is the highest, and grades down by approximately six metres to the junction between Ringwood Road and Constitution Hill Road. There are also a number of Tree Protection Orders on the site, and any development on the site needed to retain as many trees as possible, whilst bearing in mind the delivery of an educational facility with open playing spaces.

cube_design developed the design proposals, which were agreed by the planning department and issued to a modular contractor for the development of the building. This was due to the tight timescales associated to the delivery of the project. cube_design produced the Employer's Requirements including the specification requirements and were part of the TA team with the client for the assessment and appointment of the contractor. The selection process involved six modular contractors as part of the process.

The Schedule of Accommodation was based upon the EFA’s Baseline Design Guidelines but also takes into consideration flexibility of the spaces and future growth. cube_design has continued to support the BoP in a Technical Advisor role during the construction of the new primary school.

The project was completed from design through to completion within a 12 month period.

Location Poole, Dorset
Client Borough of Poole
Project value £5 million
RIBA Work Stages 0 - 4
Project status Completed (June 2015)
cube_design team Jane Lock-Smith
Project team cube_design (Architect) | AKS Ward (Structural & Civil Engineer) | Mabey Francis (Mechanical & Electrical Engineer) | Illman Young (Landscape Architect) | McAvoy (Contractor)
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